
One year ago, I got my heart broken.

One year ago, I got my heart broken. It's been a year since I've been single and got out of a  year relationship, and I'm honestly still in no rush to be in a relationship.  A lot of people thought we were gonna end up getting back together, but we didn't. Most people try to fill that emptiness and that void after a break up by getting into another relationship right away because they don't know how to be alone and they're scared of being alone. I didn't have to learn how to be happy again on my own, but I chose to. I've been alone for the past year and let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being alone. Take your time to process heartbreak, take your time to get over someone, and take your time to move on with your life. Why? Because so that the next person you end up with, they'll be able to get the best out of you. I'm happy that she's been able to find love after me. It isn't my time yet, and there's

The 9 Exact Things Women Want Men To Do In Bed

Your sex life might be good, but aren’t there always a few things that could make it, well ... better? Quick answer: YES. How do I know? Over a glass of wine (or several), I flat out asked my friends if their sex life was everything they wanted it to be. I was surprised to hear their answers weren’t about what their partners were doing, they were about the things that they weren’t doing. While they unanimously agreed that their sex was swell, they also all agreed they just wanted a little more of these nine things. Listen up, gents, for the truth about what women want in bed?  1. Whisper in our ears. When we're getting our sexy on, we obviously want to feel sexy and when you whisper in our ear how sexy we are, it really gets us going. Tell us why you enjoy being with us and I guarantee we'll reciprocate your efforts. 2. Tell us WHY you think we're beautiful. Every girl wants to feel beautiful, duh. But it’s not just enough to tell us that we are beautiful, we

क्षितिज पारिको प्रेम

लगातार तिन दिन देखि परेको पानिले ओछयान भित्र बस्दा पनि जाडो भइ रहेको थियो । अरू दिन पनि ढिलो उठने मान्छे म झन आज भोलि त कलेज पनि थिएन किन छिटो उठनु भनेर सुतिरहे।एकछिन सुत्न खोज्दै थिए बिनोदको फोन आयो । अल्छि मानि मानि फोन उठाउदै भने "के भयो भन त । " उसले "छिटो हातमुख धोएर तयार हो आज कलेजमा इन्ट्रास दिन जादैनस" भन्दै फोन राख्यो । म हतार हतार फ्रेस भइ कलेज तिर जान रेडि भएर चोक तिर आए ।चोक आएर यता उता नजर डुलाउन थाले । अचानक मेरो नजर अति नै राम्रि केटी माथि मेरो नजर पर्यो । लामो केश,मृगका जस्ता नयन,गोलो पुर्णिमाको चन्द्रमा जस्तो मुहार थियो उनको । त्यत्तिकैमा बिनोद आइपुग्यो ।उसले जाउ भन्यो तर पनि मलाई जानै मन थिएन ।अझै पनि त्यही मृगनियनिलाई हेरिरहन मन लाग्यो ।तर अफसोष उ त्यहाँ बाट बस चढेर कतै गइसकेकि थिई । मन खिन्न बनाउदै बिनोद र म कलेज तिर लाग्यौ । त्यहाँ पुगेको आधि घण्टा पछि इन्ट्रान्स सुरु भयो । कक्षामा पुगेर आफ्नो आफ्नो ठाउँमा बसेको मात्र के थिए मनमा ठुलो भुइचालो गयो । त्यो मृगनयनि जसलाई मैले चोकमा देखेको थिए त्यसलाई नै मेरो बेन्चमा बस्न आएको देखे । मेरो मन भित्र भ


रातको बाह्र बजेको थियो,फोनको घन्टी बज्यो ।। निदाएको थिए झसङ्ग भएर बिउझिए ।। आँखा मिच्दै मिच्दै हेरे रक्षाको फोन थियो ।। उठाए "ह्याप्पी बर्थ डे मेरो बुढा" उनी बोलिन ।। "थ्याङ्ग यु" "भोलि हामी भेट्छौ नि है" ? "भोलि किन अहिले आउ न, तिम्रो खातिर त मेरो मन अनि मेरो घर दुबैको ढोका सधैं खुल्ला छ" "कति धेरै हतार गरेको के तिमीले, अब 4-5 बर्ष पर्ख न, पर्खाईको फल मीठो हुन्छ क्या" "हस मेडम हस, बरु भोलि हजुरको दर्शन कति बेला पाईने हो कुन्नी ??" "दस बजे तिर मंकी क्याफे आउ न है अनि घुम्न जाउला" "हुन्छ, अब सुत्ने होला नि ??" "अ अब म चाहिँ सुत्छु, भोलि मैले कुर्नु नपरोस है त । याद राख नि दस बजे मंकी क्याफे, गुड नाइट" "ओके गुड नाईट" फोन राखिन तर मनमा बेचैनी बड्न थाल्यो ।। आखिर उनी मेरि थिइन र म उनको ।। भोलिको प्रतिक्षामा के के सोच्न थाले,जुन सोच्नु हुने पनि थिए नहुने पनि थिए ।। र सोच्दा सोच्दै खै कति बेला निदाएछु पत्तै पाईन ।। छ बजे बिउझिए र नुहाए ।। शनिवार थियो, कोठा सरसफाइ गरेर खाजा तयार गर्दै थ

iPill - A Story

'मेरो बर्थ डे मा के दिन्छौ काली?' उसले सोधेको थियो। 'हजुरलाई के चाहिएको छ?' मैले सोझो जवाफ दिएकि थिएँ। 'सबथोक।' उसले भन्यो। 'हस्। मेरो सब हजुरकै त हो नि।' मैले सहजै भनिदिएकि थिएँ। उसको 'बर्थ डे'मा हामी घुम्न भनेर ककनी गयौँ। बाइकपछाडि बस्दा लाग्यो हामी जिन्दगीको यात्रा गरिरहेका छौँ। उसले हर अप्ठेराहरूबाट जोगाएर बडो प्रेमले मलाई कहिँ टाढा लगिरहेछ, मायाको संसारमा। लाग्थ्यो म सुरक्षित हुनेछु उसको साथमा हुँदा। बाटोमा जाँदाजाँदै पानी पर्यो। केहिबेर भिजेरै गयौँ र अलिपर एउटा रिसोर्टमा अडियौँ। उसको चिनजान रै'छ क्यार साहुसँग बोल्यो। मलाई एउटा कोठामा आराम गर्न भनियो। म भिजेका लुगाका फेर निचोर्दै बसिरहेकि थिएँ। ऊ कोठाभित्र पस्दा म टिसर्ट खोलेर निचोरौँ भनेर खोज्दै थिएँ तर अडिएँ। मेरो अनुहार लाजले भिजेको थियो। उसले पछाडिबाट मेरो हात च्याप्प समातेको थियो। म शिथिल भएकि थिएँ। उसले मलाई तानेर अंगालोमा टाँसेको थियो। मेरा आँखाहरू चिम्म भएका थिए। बस् उसका श्वासका मन्द आहटहरू कानमा गुन्जिरहे। म काउकुतिले भित्रभित्रै बटारिएँ। मेरा कपालमा उसका औँलाहरू खेलिरहे

Thapathali Maternity Hospital, Kathmandu

It had been 2 hours that I had reached there. Every other patient had their visitors, nurturing, feeding and making the patients feel easy in every possible ways. Then I noticed one patient with her 23 days’ old baby on her side and she had no visitor, her husband, or mother, or her in laws were nowhere to be seen. Then, one of the visitors of another patient reached her and asked about her relatives. And it was only then that we knew that she’d been there for 24 days already and had no visitors ever since. Every other bed had new patients in every 1-3 days but that one bed hadn’t been replaced by another patient for 24 days. The reason wasn’t any severe illness of the mother or the child but her husband had fled away the very next day after he brought her to the hospital as the labor pain started, and shifted the room to some other place. They had been married for just a year and their parents hadn’t accepted their inter-caste marriage. There, in the hospital, she had been living on


Rocky(2/2) After having my order, I sat there for half an hour, waiting for that Rocky to show up. That's when I approached madam. Doesn't take a genius to take a hint. I asked if he'd fallen sick, or something. Madam shook her head, and sat down on her chair, sighing heavily. She recounted the events that had occurred 2 weeks ago: that there was an accident during the closing time when she and rocky were returning home, when a guy on his motorbike came speeding, knocking her aside (resulting in bruises), while running over rocky. A hit and run classic. Rocky was a bloody mess. He died while he was being rushed to a veterinary. That asshole took away rocky from us, and equally Scot-free. Police actually dismissed the case, saying they had far more important cases to look after, than a hit and run against a dog. The cctv footage was too grainy to identify the culprit, and they had no leads. While all this conversation was going on, there was this particularly ill temper