
Showing posts from July, 2017


रातको बाह्र बजेको थियो,फोनको घन्टी बज्यो ।। निदाएको थिए झसङ्ग भएर बिउझिए ।। आँखा मिच्दै मिच्दै हेरे रक्षाको फोन थियो ।। उठाए "ह्याप्पी बर्थ डे मेरो बुढा" उनी बोलिन ।। "थ्याङ्ग यु" "भोलि हामी भेट्छौ नि है" ? "भोलि किन अहिले आउ न, तिम्रो खातिर त मेरो मन अनि मेरो घर दुबैको ढोका सधैं खुल्ला छ" "कति धेरै हतार गरेको के तिमीले, अब 4-5 बर्ष पर्ख न, पर्खाईको फल मीठो हुन्छ क्या" "हस मेडम हस, बरु भोलि हजुरको दर्शन कति बेला पाईने हो कुन्नी ??" "दस बजे तिर मंकी क्याफे आउ न है अनि घुम्न जाउला" "हुन्छ, अब सुत्ने होला नि ??" "अ अब म चाहिँ सुत्छु, भोलि मैले कुर्नु नपरोस है त । याद राख नि दस बजे मंकी क्याफे, गुड नाइट" "ओके गुड नाईट" फोन राखिन तर मनमा बेचैनी बड्न थाल्यो ।। आखिर उनी मेरि थिइन र म उनको ।। भोलिको प्रतिक्षामा के के सोच्न थाले,जुन सोच्नु हुने पनि थिए नहुने पनि थिए ।। र सोच्दा सोच्दै खै कति बेला निदाएछु पत्तै पाईन ।। छ बजे बिउझिए र नुहाए ।। शनिवार थियो, कोठा सरसफाइ गरेर खाजा तयार गर्दै थ

iPill - A Story

'मेरो बर्थ डे मा के दिन्छौ काली?' उसले सोधेको थियो। 'हजुरलाई के चाहिएको छ?' मैले सोझो जवाफ दिएकि थिएँ। 'सबथोक।' उसले भन्यो। 'हस्। मेरो सब हजुरकै त हो नि।' मैले सहजै भनिदिएकि थिएँ। उसको 'बर्थ डे'मा हामी घुम्न भनेर ककनी गयौँ। बाइकपछाडि बस्दा लाग्यो हामी जिन्दगीको यात्रा गरिरहेका छौँ। उसले हर अप्ठेराहरूबाट जोगाएर बडो प्रेमले मलाई कहिँ टाढा लगिरहेछ, मायाको संसारमा। लाग्थ्यो म सुरक्षित हुनेछु उसको साथमा हुँदा। बाटोमा जाँदाजाँदै पानी पर्यो। केहिबेर भिजेरै गयौँ र अलिपर एउटा रिसोर्टमा अडियौँ। उसको चिनजान रै'छ क्यार साहुसँग बोल्यो। मलाई एउटा कोठामा आराम गर्न भनियो। म भिजेका लुगाका फेर निचोर्दै बसिरहेकि थिएँ। ऊ कोठाभित्र पस्दा म टिसर्ट खोलेर निचोरौँ भनेर खोज्दै थिएँ तर अडिएँ। मेरो अनुहार लाजले भिजेको थियो। उसले पछाडिबाट मेरो हात च्याप्प समातेको थियो। म शिथिल भएकि थिएँ। उसले मलाई तानेर अंगालोमा टाँसेको थियो। मेरा आँखाहरू चिम्म भएका थिए। बस् उसका श्वासका मन्द आहटहरू कानमा गुन्जिरहे। म काउकुतिले भित्रभित्रै बटारिएँ। मेरा कपालमा उसका औँलाहरू खेलिरहे

Thapathali Maternity Hospital, Kathmandu

It had been 2 hours that I had reached there. Every other patient had their visitors, nurturing, feeding and making the patients feel easy in every possible ways. Then I noticed one patient with her 23 days’ old baby on her side and she had no visitor, her husband, or mother, or her in laws were nowhere to be seen. Then, one of the visitors of another patient reached her and asked about her relatives. And it was only then that we knew that she’d been there for 24 days already and had no visitors ever since. Every other bed had new patients in every 1-3 days but that one bed hadn’t been replaced by another patient for 24 days. The reason wasn’t any severe illness of the mother or the child but her husband had fled away the very next day after he brought her to the hospital as the labor pain started, and shifted the room to some other place. They had been married for just a year and their parents hadn’t accepted their inter-caste marriage. There, in the hospital, she had been living on


Rocky(2/2) After having my order, I sat there for half an hour, waiting for that Rocky to show up. That's when I approached madam. Doesn't take a genius to take a hint. I asked if he'd fallen sick, or something. Madam shook her head, and sat down on her chair, sighing heavily. She recounted the events that had occurred 2 weeks ago: that there was an accident during the closing time when she and rocky were returning home, when a guy on his motorbike came speeding, knocking her aside (resulting in bruises), while running over rocky. A hit and run classic. Rocky was a bloody mess. He died while he was being rushed to a veterinary. That asshole took away rocky from us, and equally Scot-free. Police actually dismissed the case, saying they had far more important cases to look after, than a hit and run against a dog. The cctv footage was too grainy to identify the culprit, and they had no leads. While all this conversation was going on, there was this particularly ill temper


Rocky(1/2) This is a story of me losing an old pal. His name was Rocky. Like all macho dogs. An 8 year old Akita dog I knew since my junior high days. He stood vigilant alongside his mistress in the pastry shop I used to visit. I was there the day he was shipped there. A tiny month old pup, really timid, but inquisitive, had a pair of those big googly puppy eyes that'd melt even the coldest and indifferent hearts. I still have a mark when he was teething, and liked nipping everything to shreds. Personally, I'm not a fan of dogs, really, but god did I love that dog. There were times I'd joke I wanted to steal him away from madam (that's what we all called her, she's the pastry shop owner, bless her). Rocky, in a nutshell, was a troublemaker but goddamn was he a social dog as he managed making friends out of everybody that had spent more than a minute on that pastry shop. Rocky would bark the moment someone entered the shop, but if it were a long time customer, h

आमाको चिठ्ठी छोरालाई

 प्यारो छोरा,   यति प्यारो कि जति भर्खर बिबाह भएकी दुलहीलाई आफ्नो गहना हुन्छ, यति प्यारो कि जति 11,12 बर्षकी नानीलाई आफ्नो पेवा पाठा हुन्छ, यति प्यारो कि जती चुम्बकलाई फलाम हुन्छ, कति प्यारो कति प्यारो भनौ भने शब्दको भकारी रित्ताउदा पनी कमी हुन्छ । म अस्ताउन लागेको घाम भईसकेकी छु तर तिमी आउछौ भन्ने आस यो आखामा दीन प्रतिदीन उदाउछ । मेरा हातका, काथका अनी सम्पुण आतका छालाहरु यसरी गुज्मुज्जीएका छन् की मानौ म कुनै कपडा हु जस्लाई बर्षौ देखी कसैले कुनामा कोचेर राखेको थियो । अब त आधा चिम्टी सास पनी बाकी छैन होला म सग। छोरा, सायद तिम्रा बा जिउदै भएका भए यि चाउरी गालामा सलबलाएर बाटो बिर्सीएका आसुहरु पुछी दीन्थे होला । तिमी परदेश जान्छु भनेर हीडेको पनी 22 बर्ष भएछ । थाह छैन छोरा तिमी आउछौ भन्ने आसमा यो सास टीक्छ की टीक्दैन, मेरो सासले यो बुढो शरीर बाट बास छाड्यो भने दागबत्ती तिम्रो हातले पाउछु की पाउदीन ! छोरा, त्यो दुई बटा भैसीं धितो राखेर तिमीलाई जाहज चढाउन लिएको रिर्ण तिर्न सकीन मैले । त्यो नातीले बाबा खै भन्दा जवाफ दीन सकीन मैले । बिहेको 8 महीनामा श्रिमान सग छुट्टीएकी बुहारीलाई सिन्दुर,

मेरो छोराको बाबू हो तर मेरो पति होइन

यो कथा उसको र मेरो हो।उ जो मेरो छोराको बाबू हो तर मेरो पति होइन। जो मेरो मन-मन्दिरको राजकुमार हो तर सिउदोको सौभाग्य होइन। उ उहीँ हो जस्लाइ म प्रेम गर्थे अझै पनि गर्छु। तर पाउन चाहिन र कहिल्यै पाइन पनि। एक साझ म खाटमा पल्टिएर कविता लेख्न सोच्दै थिएँ।त्यो साँझ सधै भन्दा अँध्यारो थियो।आकाशमा कालो बादले डेरा जमाएको थियो।टाढा कतै नारायण गोपालको स्वर गुन्जिरहेको थियो “केही मिठी बात गर… रात तेसै ढल्किदै छ……।” त्यो साँझ मैले कविता लेख्नै सकिन। खालि ठुलै काव्य बन्लाजस्तो गरि उसङ्ग बिताएका पलहरु स्मरणमा तैरिइरहे।शब्दमा उत्रीनै मानेनन्।तेसै साँझ मलाइ लाग्यो मलाइ प्रेम भयो। उसङ्ग हुने हरेक कुरा मलाइ खास लाग्थ्यो।मलाइ उसको शरीरबाट आउने बास्ना मिठो लाग्थ्यो।उस्को हेराइ यति कामुक लाग्थ्यो कि मलाइ उस्का आँखा दुबै हातले कोपरेर निकालुँ र मनभरी हुन्जेल खेलुँ जस्तो लाग्थ्यो।उस्को पातलो शरिरको हरेक मासंपेसीलाई टोक्न चिमोट्न र चिथोर्न मन लाग्थ्यो।उस्को रात्तनलिमा प्वाल पारेर नशानशामा छिर्न मन लाग्थ्यो। साँच्चै मलाइ सिङ्गो उस्लाइ सानो बच्चालाइ जस्तो च्यापेर शरिरभरी टाँस्न मन लाग्थ्यो। एकदिन हामी सिनेमा


How do you plan to celebrate the New Year’s Day?  That was a big question in our minds as our semester exams were just finished and we were in good mood of celebrating any events near to this day and some how New Year’s day was just in corner. So, get yourself some drinks and good meals, stay over at a friend’s house and enjoy the day? Nah! We wanted to do something much bigger and much better. That’s how our trip to “Ama Yangri” Peak was planned up. We were a group of five people and we met three elder brothers there in Tarkaygyang. So the next morning (On New Year’s day), all 8 of us were confident enough of reaching the peak. The hotel owner said that we’d see the best view only before 10 am. Climbing almost 1200m within 4 hours was always challenging but the risk was worth it. But has this happened to you that you prepare yourself for an exam whole week, you remember every damn thing, every formulas and theories and on the day of exam you just blew it off and for three hours you

Pramisha Kc

When I was first made a part of Today's Story, about a year back and told to get some stories, I took it like a job. People don't always like jobs. Me and a friend, we would joke and travel to some place saying "Let's search for a story!" We would look past the normal busy people, laughing people and focus on the sad faces because we believed sad and poor people were the best sources. We saw a homeless woman in rugged clothes and we spoke to her, or interviewed her, to be pre cise. She told us about her family, her struggles and so on. She told us about her husband who had left her very soon after the marriage and about her children who grew up hardly knowing their father. I then looked at my friend who had tears in his eyes; that was his story too. All of a sudden the meaning of a story changed for us. Every face has a story so different and yet so similar. Everyone is sad and everyone is happy. The homeless poor woman whom we went to because she looked sad, wa

When She Reject Proposal

"They tried to exploit me sexually when I denied the marriage proposal. I cried a lot , but even my parents were not ready to hear me", says Chandrakala Basnet  from Banke. "I was just in grade 7 when I was forced to marry. I cried a lot and pleaded with my parents, but they didn't listen to me. Instead, they even encouraged them to exploit me sexually if I didn't agree. I asked for help from my brothers and we succeeded in consoling our parents. After a 2 years long silence, they started putting the pressure upon me again. I don't know why, but as I guess now, it could be because the socially rooted the concept that a girl must get married in her early age. Else, she won't be accepted by any man later. Or could be, because my parents thought there would be less economic burden on the family. I kept on fighting with them, for myself. I was a very good student, but my studies were degrading slowly. One day, I got the opportunity to participate in a tr

Life Is An Unpredictable

This is a real story by a girl who lost her Mother due to careless of a known and reputed hospital.So she decided to write her feelings in this story. सबैलाई आग्रह गर्दछु यो कुरालाई जति सक्दो हुन्छ Share गरुम,के थाहा यो कुराले कसैले केही जानकारी पाउन सक्छ कि । *Life Is An Unpredictable* Life is an unpredictable journey; unpredictable but beautiful. We never know what comes next but when that beautiful journey is cut short by some extremely avoidable circumstances, it's absolutely gut wrenching. A small boil(also called a furuncle or 'Pilo' in Nepali) appeared on her left hand wrist which was treated in Om Hospital. She was taking antibiotics and the wound appeared to be healing. However, she got weaker and started suffering from sudden vomiting and fever. She was immediately taken to KMC Hospital on the 12th of June. The doctors, after the checkup, concluded the next morning that it was a case of gastritis as a result of the antibiotics she had been taking. She was ad